Unite my heart to fear Thy name

Hosea 10

Hosea 10:1

If all that we do is for ourselves and to serve our sins, we are worse than fruitless, yet many very active and busy persons deserve no better description. They work for self, and toil for sin.

Hosea 10:2, 3

For a time Israel had no king. Jeroboam the Second was dead, and his son was kept from the throne by civil strife. A king was necessary to keep the land in order, but without God the best human arrangements are useless.

Hosea 10:4

They made a covenant with Shalmaneser in the days of king Hoshea, and broke it basely; their justice was no better than a poisonous weed, it was rank villainy.

Hosea 10:5

The inhabitants of Samaria shall fear because of the calves of Beth-aven:

or the cow-calf of the house of vanity, a contemptuous description of the calf of Bethel:

Hosea 10:6

king Jareb or the strifeful king

Hosea 10:7

He floated aloft like a bubble, and was destroyed as readily.

Hosea 10:8

The mountains which they selected for their confidence shall be called upon by themselves to overwhelm them, and hide them from the armies of the terrible king of Assyria.

Hosea 10:9

Once they fought for God against Benjamin, but from that day and onward they had been found upon the side of evil. On which side are we?

Hosea 10:10

Though they unite like two oxen which tread the furrows, when yoked together, they shall be unable to escape.

Hosea 10:11

to ride or to carry. They had been luxuriously employed like oxen in treading out the corn, but a yoke shall be put upon them, and they shall be burdened

Hosea 10:13, 14

Shalman or Shalmaneser

Hosea 10:13, 14

The fierce Assyrian king appears to have made a terrible example of a certain city, and in such a manner would he deal with all the land of Israel if they continued in their sin.

Hosea 10:15

Speedily would their idolatrous calf be the ruin both of themselves and their king. All this was fulfilled when the Assyrian devastated the land, carried away their king, Hoshea, imprisoned him till he died, and put a final end to the very existence of the kingdom of the ten tribes. Thus will the Lord deal out justice to those who sin against him; let us cry to him for mercy, and turn from every evil way.


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