
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple…did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.Acts 2:46

There are other experiences deep and wholly inward that cannot be shared with any other: Jacob at Bethel and Peniel, Moses at the burning bush, Christ in the garden, John in the Isle of Patmos are Bible examples, and Christian biography will reveal many more.

A community of believers must be composed of persons who have each one met God in individual experience. No matter how large the family, each child must be born individually….So it is in the local church. Each member must be born of the Spirit individually.

It will not escape the discerning reader that while each child is born separate from the rest it is born into a family, and after that must live in the fellowship of the rest of the household….

The church is called the household of God, and it is the ideal place to rear young Christians. BAM112-113

Next to God Himself we need each other most. We are His sheep and it is our nature to live with the flock. BAM114

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