“The kingdom of God is within you.”

Matthew 19:1-2

Matthew 19:2

This is a most encouraging fact. If Jesus cures multitudes why should he not save each one of us? Why should we not cry to him for help, and expect to receive it? The healing virtue in Jesus is not diminished: seek it, and it will be freely given.

Luke 17:20-37

Luke 17:21

They looked for an outward reign, as many do still, and so they missed the glory of the inward spiritual kingdom. Outward pomp and show in religion are still the main things with many, but they forget the words before us; “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Luke 17:21

No doubt many a time the apostles said, “Would God our Lord were here,” especially in those dark days when the Romans compassed the city.

Luke 17:24

There will be no need of inquiries then. His coming will be plain to all. Yet there was need of this caution, for in all ages deceivers have risen up, and have misled many by prophecies concerning the second advent. Vain dreamers of ten go insane upon this matter.

Luke 17:25-31

The most valued properly must be sacrificed to save life. Loitering has cost many a man his soul.

Luke 17:32

She looked, she longed, she lingered, and she died, yet she was Lot’s wife, and was on the way to escape. Alas, how many arc near to salvation and yet perish. This little verse should be often before our eyes.

Luke 17:33

Those who die for Christ’s sake have saved their lives, and those who are cowards and deny their Lord to escape from death have in the highest sense lost life.

Luke 17:34-36

When the Romans came only a few escaped, and so even now death finds many unprepared. Families will not be saved in the bulk. True religion is a personal matter; one by faith will live, and another will perish in unbelief. Who among us will escape from hell when the Lord shall summon us to judgment?

Luke 17:37

The first fulfilment of this prophecy was at the siege of Jerusalem, when the Roman eagles gathered around the dead body of the Jewish state. Then did the Lord come forth to punish impenitent Israel, and then his disciples, being warned, fled in haste from the condemned city. Never, however, let vs forget that his great coming is yet future, and that zee ought to be hourly prepared for it.

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