VIDEO June Bloom: Your Church

And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches. Acts 15:41

To bloom where we’re planted, we need to be the best version of who we are wherever we are, and that includes the church we attend. We should be a strengthening influence in our local churches. The apostle Paul was intent on strengthening the Body of Christ, and Acts 15:41 brings up a good question: As you go through life, are you strengthening the church you attend?

  • We strengthen the church when we attend regularly, as often as possible.
  • We strengthen the church when we’re warm and supportive in our attitude toward all the other members and toward the leaders.
  • We strengthen the church when we volunteer for those church-related ministries the Lord puts on our hearts.
  • We strengthen the church when we pray for our congregation and provide financial support.

When Jesus returned to heaven, He only ordained one organization to continue His work on earth: His Church. How wonderful we can do as Paul did—going around strengthening the Church.

Christians cannot grow spiritually as they ought to in isolation from one another. Gene Getz

44094 Acts 15:36-41 by Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Thru the Bible

5 thoughts on “VIDEO June Bloom: Your Church

  1. As we follow in Paul’s footsteps, we embrace the opportunity to nurture and uplift the Body of Christ where we are planted. Jesus entrusted His Church with continuing His work on earth, and it’s a privilege to participate in this mission of strengthening and building up His Church.

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