“His countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”

Matthew 17:1-9

Our blessed Lord for the most part led a life of humiliation; but occasionally, lest men should altogether forget his divine nature, he drew aside the curtain, and revealed a measure of his majesty. This he did in a special manner upon the holy mount.

Matthew 17:1

A quaint writer says our Lord took Peter because he loved Christ most, John because Christ loved him most, and James because, next to these, he loved and was loved most. The Lord knew the men whom he had chosen, and judged these three to be the fittest eye-witnesses of his glory.

Matthew 17:2

As a foretaste of the glory in which he will shine hereafter, he put on the robes of his excellency for a moment, and dazzled his disciples eyes. How great was the condescension which kept him closely veiled while here below. Brighter than the sun is he, and yet he deigned to be despised and rejected of men.

Matthew 17:3

The law and the prophets are in harmony with Christ, and when we see the glory of Jesus we behold their light sweetly blending with his own.

Matthew 17:4

Not knowing what he said, but feeling as we have often done, that we would gladly remain in sweet meditation and hallowed fellowship, and go no more down into the rude world.

Matthew 17:5, 6

Astonished and overcome, they fell down as in the stupor of deep sleep.

“When, in ecstasy sublime, Tabor’s glorious sleep I climb, At the too transporting light Darkness rushes o’er my sight.”

We are not able as yet to bear too clear a view of the glory of our Lord. Before we enter heaven we shall be strengthened to bear the strain of the beatific vision.

Matthew 17:7, 8

And that sight was enough. To see Jesus only is all that saint or sinner need desire.

Matthew 17:9

The mind of Jesus rushed forward to his death and resurrection. Tabor could not make him forget Calvary. Christ crucified should ever be most dear to us, since for our sakes he despised the shame of death, and counted dishonour as glory, that he might redeem us to himself.

2 Peter 1:16-18

Of this transfiguration of our Lord and the attesting voice of the Father, Peter speaks in his epistle.

2 Peter 1:16-18

The apostles, by seeing the transfiguration, were confirmed in faith and enabled to bear witness concerning their Lord to all generations.

O thou, who once on Tabor’s hill

Didst shine before the favoured three,

The souls which love thee favour still

Thy nearer glory, Lord, to see.

E’en now let faith’s far-gazing eye

The brightness of thy Godhead scan,

And view thee, throned in heaven on high,

The Almighty Lord, the Son of Man.

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