VIDEO Jesus Is Lord

.that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth… Philippians 2:10

Bible scholars note that the word “confess” means “to acknowledge openly and joyfully, to celebrate and give praise.” Here we are all called to follow God the Father’s exaltation of His Son by fully recognizing and joyfully admitting that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our lives and the Lord of our situation. 

All humans, angels, and demonic spirits will ultimately bow the knee to Jesus, rendering to Him complete and final homage. That confession of every tongue will one day be heard by every ear as the ultimate and complete rule of Jesus is recognized.  

But until that day, our confession of Jesus Christ as Lord invites and receives His presence and power over everything we are facing now. As we admit our own helplessness, confess our utter dependence, and declare His lordship in faith, Jesus’ victorious rule enters those settings and circumstances today. 

Alistair Begg on Philippians 2:10-11

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